Bradley Krueger Memorial Scholarship
2024 Application

We are proud to announce that we are now accepting submissions for the 2024 Bradley Krueger Memorial Scholarship. Brad’s family started this fund to help other people with inherited bleeding disorders achieve a higher education — and to live a full and productive life. 

Those who knew Brad understand that he lived life to the fullest and never let hemophilia get him down for long.  He was fun-loving and had many friends and family who adored him.  This scholarship lives on as a testament to his strengths and determination. 

It is available for people with a bleeding disorder, their parents, siblings, and children, and/or carriers living in the state of Illinois. Scholarships can be used for tuition for any type of post-secondary institution, including trade schools, as well as room and board, books, and supplies (including computer equipment) for the 2024-2025 school year.  Scholarships will not be paid to the individual; they must be paid to an educational institution or, in the case of supplies, directly to the vendor.  Applications will be accepted until September 15, 2024.  We are very pleased to announce that up to $5,000 is available for scholarships this year. Winners will be contacted on September 20, 2024 via phone and/or email.

Application Procedure

Submit all items below to by September 15, 2024, or mail them to the address below postmarked no later than September 15, 2024. 

  • Application form

  • High school transcripts

  • College transcripts if coursework has already begun

  • Two letters of recommendation -

    - from someone who knows your potential as a student, such as a teacher, guidance counselor, or employer

    - from someone who knows you personally, such as a doctor, nurse, social worker, friend of the family, or community leader

    These letters should support your candidacy by addressing your goal orientation, drive, and motivation. If you are a returning applicant, you cannot use the letters submitted in past years.

  • Completion of essay questions (listed in the application) - Keep the essay simple by focusing on the most important information. This will eliminate the need for additional letters or materials. If you are a returning applicant, you cannot use an essay submitted in past years. We would like you to note your progress since the submission of your last scholarship application.

Only applications received by the deadline of September 15, 2024, with all four elements (application, transcripts, two letters of recommendations, and essay questions) will be considered. Please forward all materials and questions regarding this scholarship application to or by mail to:

Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois
210 S. DesPlaines St.
Chicago, IL  60661-5500