BDAI Virtual Community Connections Weekend November 4 – 6, 2021 Final Agenda
Thursday, November 4
6:15pm – 7:30pm Welcome
6:30pm – 7:30pm A World Without Bleeding Disorders Begins with Research: A Call to Action Presented by: Leonard Valentino, MD, CEO, National Hemophilia Foundation. Imagine the impact we can create by focusing our collective expertise, resources and energy toward areas that can create the most dynamic impact for people with bleeding disorders and their families. We could change lives for the better and create a lasting generational impact.
7:30pm – 7:45pm Sponsor/Exhibitor Commercial
7:45pm – 8:45pm Navigating Your Insurance Presented by: Jonathan Roberts, MD, Associate Medical Director, Bleeding & Clotting Disorders Institute. Learn about important topics related to insurance: components of an insurance plan, co-pay assistance programs, co-pay accumulators, and tips to navigate these programs. Sponsored by Novo Nordisk
Friday, November 5 Family Fun Night
6:00pm – 6:15pm Welcome
6:15pm –7:15pm Crazy Disco Trivia Bingo Presented by: The Gang from Gut Monkey. A fun-filled and educational game/program filled with trivia, a mix of general interest & bleeding disorders, and brings the fun with music, costumes & decorations.
7:15pm – 7:30pm Sponsor/Exhibitor Commercial
7:30pm – 8:30pm Gene Therapy Jeopardy!®: An interactive game featuring the underlying principles of gene therapy research. Join friends and play for points to become the next Jeopardy! gene-ius Tammuella Chrisentery-Singleton, MD Director, HTC Mississippi Center for Advanced Medicine Sponsored by BioMarin
Saturday, November 6
9:00am – 9:15am Welcome
9:15am – 10:15am Personal Empowerment – A New Approach to Advocacy Presented by: Nichelle Stigger, Founder, The Work Institute TWI, BDAI Board Member Empowerment and advocacy are democratic practices which enable people to overcome barriers. Our community has studied advocacy for a long-time, but have do we know what it is to be empowered? This session will introduce each of us to these skills, giving us the lens to better understand our world and the change our lives.
10:15am – 10:30am Sponsor/Exhibitor Commercial
10:30am – 11:15am What to Expect During Open Enrollment 2022 Presented by: Marla Feinstein, Senior Policy Analyst, National Hemophilia Foundation Open Enrollment is upon us. The only thing for certain is do not sit back and just let your plan auto-renew. There have been so many changes during the past year – some actually good for the consumer. We will get the latest up to-date information (immediately following our presenter hosting her national insurance conference). This is a not to miss session.
11:15am – 12:00am Picking Up the Pieces from the Pandemic Facilitated by: BDAI’s Advocacy Committee We will present the results from the Insurance Survey while highlighting critical areas where the Illinois bleeding disorders community is increasingly being impacted along with the advocacy steps which will be undertaken in 2022.
1pm – 4:00pm CWJ – Camp in a Box Get Together