Community Connections 2021 Web Banner.png


Welcome to Community Connections 2021!  We have worked to take your ideas and suggestions to put together a top-notch opportunity to come together to make a difference for each of us as individuals and as a community. You will be challenged by the speakers to think about how you and your family are living with your bleeding disorder and asked to consider how we can improve what we do today. While this is virtual, we will do our best to make it as interactive as possible.

We could not have done any of this without our sponsors. As always, we wish to thank them for partnering with us on this event. They are all listed on this page. Their company logos are links to their website. Please click on them at your convenience to explore more information about each of these supporters.

In addition, representatives from each company will be participating throughout Community Connections. You can connect with them or us through the chat. In addition, on Thursday and Friday evening, we are allowing for time for people to schedule appointments with our sponsors. We will be happy to keep the Zoom sessions open to accommodate for this.

Again, thank you for taking part and if there is anything else you may need please do not hesitate to ask.

Your BDAI Staff

Since we are not going to be in-person we are offering GrubHub rewards for participating. They will be as follows:

Edited Community Connections 2021 Grubhub Rewards.png

Our Chance to Make a Difference

BDAI Virtual Community Connections Weekend Agenda